Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Posted by CheapRunnerMichelle

Happy April Fool's morning...so far today I haven't been punked...how about you?

Well, as you all know us 3cheaprunners headed to Hamilton on Saturday to participate in the 120th annual Around the Bay 30k race. Now let me back up a little. For the last 2 weeks I have been pretty sick, and last week by Wednesday night, I was actually getting worse, so I was able to get in and see the dr. again on Thursday morning...only to find out - I have strep throat...boo.

Well Sunday morning arrived, before we headed outside into the corrals, we were able to get a pic together


Since this was the furthest distance I was ever running, I had decided that I was going to do a walk/run for this race. So Mike set my watch for my intervals, 8min running and 1 min walking. Considering how I'd been feeling, I felt actually very good starting, and I started my run/walk intervals right from the very beginning, everything was going tickity-boo until about 6k at which point my knees started to really bother me. I was able to power through the pain until 11k, at which point my body just fell apart. I was in a lot of pain with my knees, and at that point my legs were really cramping - I'm sure due to the week leading up to the race - that I had.  I was probably a little dehydrated going into the run. So at 11k I started my 19k (12 mile) walk...yes you read that right...after my body broke, I just physically could no longer run. When I first started walking there was a gentleman that was power walking, due to a foot injury that he had, so I tagged along with him for about 7k, at which point I could no longer maintain his pace, so I dropped back. By the time I reached 20k I mentally feel apart...and I think that was worse than my body falling apart. When I reached 22k I took my phone out and texted Mike


By this point not only was I cramping and experiencing knee pain, but at 15k this chaffing had happened


and the blisters had popped up (I'll spare you that pic)...which is why when I mentally fell apart it was so much worse...cause I still had 10k to get myself through...and did I mention 7 of the last 10k are pretty much ALL up hill...yeah fun times. To be honest with you at that point I didn't even care if I came in last place. I'd like to say I just put my head down and powered through, but it was certainly not that easy. At 5hrs and 9sec I finally crossed the finish line...but I finished...and it was not an easy accomplishment, so I am proud that I didn't give in to my mental struggle and quit.

I thought the course was actually pretty boring. I expected with a race title of Around the Bay, we would be running along the water for the better part of the course - but I couldn't have been more wrong. It was a lot of highway running, with factories and smoke stacks as our view.

I have really come to terms with the fact that I am just not built for long distance races...I think from now on I'll stick with 1/2 marathon and under distances. And preferably racing in good health and not sick.
On a final note


J wants to thank you all for the birthday wishes and let ya'll know he had a great party on Friday night!

Have you ever had a worst.race.ever? What happened?

Tell me something fun you did this weekend


  1. Oh, Michelle - so sorry that it sucked like that!!! I think that the fact that you had been sick was probably the biggest downside!!!
    Last fall when I tried the 50 miles I had that kind of race and quit at 25. But, I'm going back in a few weeks to try again.
    Great job finishing!!!

  2. Thanks Kim. I'm glad that I finished, I would have been very disappointed in myself if I would have quit. Glad to hear you're getting a re-do!

  3. You are one tough chick! I know how much mental strength you do have so I can only imagine how you were feeling! I am proud of you for powering through though! Love you :)

  4. Michelle...I'm sorry you felt crappy but I'm so proud of you for being a fighter and pushing through! Races like that always make you stronger mentally. Congrats on getting it done!

  5. Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear you had a rough day. Good for you for getting to the finish!! The course it a tough one for sure. They changed the first 10km this year and it's awful. Not that the original 10km was much better....it IS Hamilton and there isn't really too much nice waterfront there that I'm aware of. This was my last year doing it. I found a few of the water stations to be woefully undermanned and I really don't like the new course layout.

  6. Amy @ fitnessmeetsfrosting.comApril 1, 2014 at 3:08 PM

    OMG I'm so sorry!! Your race sounds completely awful! But at least looking back, you can see how physically and mentally tough you are! Not many could do that! You're a rockstar in my book! LOVE Mike's supportive text!
    My worst race was the Berkeley Half Marathon. I have a bulged disc, but never had bad issues while training for my half marathons. Around mile 6 of my half, all of a sudden my back just seized up and sent shooting pain up and down my lower spine. Was the worst pain I've ever been in (other than when I blew out my back). But I finished (just couldn't walk the next few days haha)!

  7. I;m so sorry you had a bad day. Racing long especially after being sick is rough! I'm so incredibly proud of you for pushing through and finishing-- seriously... that takes strength and courage.

    I did ATB last year, while it is a well run race, I had the same issues with the course- which is even worse considering they were changing it this year to make it better, obviously they failed at that.

    Keep your head up- you are awesome!

  8. Thanks Heidi!...wow only 35 min off that's not too bad for a "bad" race. I'm sure you're going to kick butt this fall during your next one!

  9. Thanks girl! I'm glad I pushed through and finished. I would have been super disappointed in myself if I hadn't

  10. Yeah...I definately think for a big, long standing race there are a lot of things that they need to improve.

  11. I can feel your pain Amy...I have been waddling all week...lol

  12. Sorry to read that your race did not go well. We all have them at some point!! Happy you hung in there and you had a sweet text from Mike to keep you going!! Your son is so cute. Glad he enjoyed his birthday!

  13. katie @ fromicecreamtomarathonApril 7, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    Sorry to hear about the race, Michelle. That's how my Chicago marathon was- horrible. I am so proud of you for just pushing through and crossing that finish line anyway. And half's are still my favorite distance! During my full's, I ALWAYS say I'm only doing half's from now on! (Although that always changes)

  14. Thanks Teresa...but I'm glad it's over...lol

  15. ...and now 100miles....
    I remember ready all about your Chicago race...not fun times...but those are the times that makes us stronger...right?!?

  16. katie @ fromicecreamtomarathonApril 8, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    Ha! Yea, now 100. I am out of my mind!! Yep, those times definitely make us stronger.

  17. katie @ fromicecreamtomarathonApril 8, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    No, it's the 26th. Less than 3 weeks!
