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Hi friends - it's the last (week)day of the month...so we all know what that means...it's time to reveal what I received in my mailbox this past month!
This month for us Canadians ended up being a little different...we were are paired up with 1 person - and we both sent to each other. It was a nice new little twist! It was actually nice to just have one person to co-ordinate and communicate with...but total bummer - I guess the package I sent to my girl is on it's way back to me...she was away out of town and only got the delivery notice slip yesterday...and by then they were already re-routing it back to me :( As soon as I get it back I'm going to re-ship it to her...it's just a bummer she hasn't been able to enjoy the goodies I put together for her...
The box Anna sent me had a few of her favourites
- Cosmic Cookies
- Granola made from a local company
- Coconut Chips (a hippie snack)
- Chocolate from Denman Island
I've got a confession...I received the box last week - and have been crazy stupid busy...and have not tried any if the goodies yet...but don't you fret...it's all packed to try this weekend at the cottage
Thanks again Anna!!!!! and thanks as always to Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean for hosting.
Wanna know more about Foodie Penpals...check out the info below:
In case you’re a new reader, here’s a reminder of what the program is all about:
On the 5th of every month, you will receive your penpal pairing via email. It will be your responsibility to contact your penpal and get their mailing address and any other information you might need like allergies or dietary restrictions.
You will have until the 15th of the month to put your box of goodies in the mail. On the last day of the month, you will post about the goodies you received from your penpal!
The boxes are to be filled with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. This can be anything from a note explaining what’s in the box, to a fun recipe…use your imagination!
You are responsible for figuring out the best way to ship your items depending on their size and how fragile they are. (Don’t forget about flat rate boxes!)
Foodie Penpals is open to blog readers as well as bloggers.
Foodie Penplas is open to US, Canadian & European residents. Please note, Canadian Residents will be paired with other Canadians only. Same with Europeans.
If you’re from the US or Canada and are interested in participating for September, please CLICK HERE to fill out the participation form and read the terms and conditions.
Hi all…thanks to everyone that sent their well-wishes on a running recovery! I am pleased to report that I have been able to get out for a couple of runs this week, and since I was actually smart enough to trim the distance and dial back the pace a bit both runs were pain free…no IT Band "issues"!
I managed a run at lunch on Monday and again at lunch yesterday. Yesterday's run was a scorcher with the humidity at 95°F and it kicked me in the butt halfway through…this weather we have had all summer has been completely out of whack! Either blazing hot/humid or sweatshirt cool…Mother Nature is one bipolar bitch!
I took Tuesday off running as it fit in as a nice recovery day between my post-injury runs and we also had a golf tournament for my work. It's always fun to hang out at the golf course with friends, especially in a best-ball where your bad shots (and I had a lot of them) don't count. We had a nice meal afterwards and then I went home for a couple hours before heading out for baseball…made for a looong day, but the legs felt great.
Last night Michelle and I took out my Brother in Law and my Sister for his birthday…we went to an all-you-can-eat Sushi restaurant that Michelle had been to before and raved about and it was excellent! Lots of food to choose from and plenty of options even if you weren't a sushi lover.
Everything was so good! My Mum even took our kids overnight, so on the way home we decided to call on our other CheapRunner to see if she wanted to join us on Jack Astor's rooftop patio for a nightcap.
All in all it was a fun night spent with friends and family…what more could you ask for?
Only a couple days until the Labour Day Weekend where we will once again be up at the cottage and hosting our annual Lobsterfest…I'm sure there will be a review on that next week! Let the Long Weekend Countdown begin!!
Sushi rolls or Sashimi?
White Tuna Sashimi for me!
Any special plans for the Labour Day Weekend?
Anyone else hear that song playing in their head?
The older I get, the more I am starting to realize how much more productive I am when on a deadline and under pressure to succeed. Let's back up to last week...typically there are 4 of us that work "in the office" at my work, with each of us having our own areas of responsibility....well last week...little 'ol me...was all alone - that's right everyone else was off - and I was left with everyone's work load. Not only did this make for a "quiet" week around the office, but it also made me realize how much better I am (a) when I have a ton of work to accomplish (b) having the pressure to make sure everything is taken care of. Especially in the industry that I work in...deadlines are no joke...and I have to be able to stay of top of things and sometimes make the impossible happen.
So this all got me to thinking....why is it that some people just choke when the pressure is on, but then others are able to stay relatively calm and cool.
Is it bad that I thrive on the pressure to produce? I feel like it is something that I need to keep me focused and on target with the end goal.
So what makes some people choke when put in the circumstance?
Often we can be our own worst enemy. Top performers like Usain Bolt and Miguel Cabrera out-perform not just because of greater aptitude, but because they are at their best WHEN IT COUNTS THE MOST.
So why is it that we are not all able to do this?
Inability to Accept Responsibility: We humans are naturally superstitious. We look for omens that bode well or evil. Our brains are wired to seek out patterns. However, until we learn to accept responsibility for success and failure, we will always be giving ourselves an excuse to falter.
Over thinking: One of the toughest things about high-pressure situations is that there is a lot more to think about other than just our own performance. We envision the accolades if we prevail and condemnation if we falter. Neither of these things, however, have anything to do with how we execute.
Overconfidence: When things are going well, you think you can’t lose. Obviously, you can. Whenever it seems that there is no trouble on the horizon, chances are that you’re missing something.
So let's discuss a few ways that we can perform better under pressure.
Focus: With so much going on around us all the time...it’s easy to lose focus. In high pressure situations, keeping your mind on what’s truly important is even harder. And what’s important? What you need to do next. It’s crucial to focus on the task at hand.
Discipline: We all have some things that we like to do and that we’re good at. We can usually impress people with our talents, so there is a self reinforcing effect. Others encourage us to do what we do best, therefore we do more of it and get better at it, which earns us even more admiration. Much less is said about the stuff we hate doing. That could be getting to the gym when we feel tired, making it to meetings on time, sending thank you notes or learning a new skill. These things are hard to do consistently, when we’re tired or depressed, day after day. It can be a thankless job when others rarely notice our efforts. Yet it’s the small, hard earned victories that make the difference. The things we struggle with when no one will notice and for which we are unlikely to get credit. That’s what separates mere talent and true excellence.
Adaptability: It’s always a good idea to have a strategy or a plan going into a situation, but you have to accept the fact that events almost never play out as you expect them to.
Great calamities, as well as great opportunities, usually come as a surprise. That’s what makes them such important events. If we expected them, they wouldn’t amount to much.
Being Present: There’s a natural human tendency to think about consequences; however, in a pressure situation, it works against us. When it’s time to perform, thinking about outcomes will only get in the way. What you really need to do is focus on the task at hand. (Are you starting to sense the theme?!?)
Put yourself out there...Don’t hide. It’s only through giving yourself the opportunity to fail that you can ever really succeed. Performance under pressure, like anything else, is a skill and one that can be learned.
Anyone else enjoy being in the pressure cooker like me?
Tell me something you are doing today!
Mike and I are taking his sister and her hubby out for dinner for his birthday to 168 Sushi...totally pumped!!!
Good mooorning!
So about a week and a half ago, I received the August Stride Box! As usual I opened it immediately!
There were lots if goodies!
A couple snack bars and I looove snacks!
Some energy and endurance supplies which we all could use from time to time.
GEndurance-chews and thirst quenchers.
A couple different gel thingys.
2ndSurge-Double Expresso
IslandBoost-Passion Fruit Flavor
Lastly there was also a Post Run Cooling Towel. To use this you soak it, squeeze it out and them place it around neck or wherever. It is actually surprisingly very refreshing!!
All in all I am once again very happy with Stride Box this month. I will use everything.
Another item I have started to try out-not ready to reveal my verdict on them yet....
CWX compression pants!!
Anyone ever use a cooling towel before?
This was a first for me and I liked it.
Compression gear anyone??
Last week was just one of those busy weeks where it is a challenge just getting one run in, let alone a few good runs. I started out okay on Monday with an 8K/5 mile run at lunchtime, which also happened to be the shortest run I have done in months. I hadn't run anything under 10K since a 5K run I did the beginning of May. And that was my last run. So weird…I missed my run on Tuesday as I was working from home and had to take Jackson to the doctor after work, then I had a meeting scheduled through my lunch hour on Wednesday when I normally run. Thursday I had ball and we were playing a doubleheader, so didn't want to run that day since we would be on the diamond for over 4 hours.
Then during ball I was reminded that I a m getting old…I hurt myself literally doing nothing. I was playing second base and tracked a lazy pop up out to shallow center field, then stopped when the center fielder called me off. As soon as I stopped I felt a twinge in my right knee…a certain pain I had felt before, my IT Band. I honestly was doing as close to nothing as possible…I was jogging at the most. I ended up taking it easy the rest of the game, I still played but made sure not to push anything too much.
When I woke up the next morning my knee was killing me. I had planned all week to get back on track with my running on Friday and get some really good runs, including a long run, on the weekend up at the cottage. I obviously called off the Friday lunch run, leaving my gear at home so that there was no temptation. With only a month and a half until Chicago, I needed to rest this injury. I even made the decision during the day to leave my running gear at home all weekend to avoid running while up at the cottage. I've been through IT Band issues before and I know the only way to get over it is rest. So with sadness I left my shoes alone at home. It would be a weekend of rest and stretching for me.
We got up to the cottage on Friday night and it was just Michelle, Jackson and I…Kennedy was watching her friend's play and would be up later, Rhoda was working all weekend and my parent's were out at a charity fundraiser. So the three of us went for a nice walk on the beach and caught the sunset. I honestly put our sunsets at the cottage up there amongst the best I have ever seen!
After our walk we headed back to the cottage for dinner and then settled in for a campfire and all of the stragglers made their way to our place. it was a nice night, but somehow I managed to tweak my other IT Band just sitting there! I was now hobbling something terrible and a running recovery was looking unlikely for a while. I don't know if I was overcompensating or what, but I honestly hurt myself sitting by a campfire drinking a beer. I really am getting old.
The good news is that I stuck to rest and stretching the remainder of the weekend and by Sunday i felt like I could have gone for a run had I brought my gear with me (luckily I didn't) and I will be going out at lunch today to test out the legs. I'm thinking I will keep it short and easy as i really am worried about injury now. It is the one thing that slows us runners down and fills your head with all kinds of doubt and fear.
I had mentioned how busy I was last week, and one thing I learned was how to clean a dog that has been sprayed by a skunk :(
We had taken the kids for a walk to the park to let them play there for a bit and left the dog out in the backyard while were out. When we got back it was around dusk and there was the distinctive smell of skunk in the air…right away I was worried. I went to the back door to check on her, and she was just lying calmly on the back porch. I opened the door and took a whiff, and sure enough she had been sprayed. It must not have been a direct hit since she wasn't too bothered, but she sure did smell. Skunk spray doesn't really smell like the skunk smell you catch while driving around…it smells a lot like burnt rubber when it happens. So off to the store I went to get the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and Dawn dish soap that all of the internet home remedies call for. I can report that it really did work well…there's still some lingering smell but my pooch smells…okay.
She didn't really care for the bath on the back porch but it did the trick. By the weekend she was back doing what she loves to do up at the cottage…lazing around :)
Anyone have their dog sprayed by a skunk? How long does that smell stick around?
Who's dealing with injuries right now?
While the 3 Cheap Runners enjoy their day off, here are a few of the happenings that caught their eyes during the past week...
In case you missed a day...
CheapRunnerMike enjoys Sun, Fun and a Run: http://t.co/6QP3kUdVkF
— 3 Cheap Runners (@3CheapRunners) August 19, 2013
CheapRunnerMichelle plays Would You Rather - Edition #5 http://t.co/Y0HHsSEeTv
— 3 Cheap Runners (@3CheapRunners) August 20, 2013
CheapRunnerMike and Giving Back(packs) to the Community: http://t.co/pSxx3XovvK
— 3 Cheap Runners (@3CheapRunners) August 21, 2013
CheapRunnerRhoda is CATCHING UP! http://t.co/wGdqica0kX
— 3 Cheap Runners (@3CheapRunners) August 22, 2013
This beauty told me the other day...that every once and awhile I bring some sunshine to her day ;) I'm not going to play by all the rules...but I'm happy to give ya a little more insight into this very intellectual mind of mine (mmmkay - just go with me on it)
What is your favorite dessert?
If you could only go to one website for the rest of your life, what would it be?
...gotta keep up with the news ya know
If you could live in any time period, when would it be?
Now - I love my life and love living in the now
What's your favorite motivational quote (more than one is acceptable, if you can’t choose)
What's your favorite type of food to get when you eat out?
Depends on where I am eating, I tend to have a favourite dish at each restaurant we go to...and then I am a creature of habit and always order that one thing
Describe yourself in 2 words
How many different states (or countries or territories or provinces) have you lived in?
Born and raised in London, On and have never left
Who is your favorite athlete?
Crowie...and don't tell him I told you, but Mike actually has a little bit of a man crush on him
Would you rather read or watch TV?
Specifically reality TV...oh and you can through in some Matlock too
What type of shoes do you have on your feet right now?
Who's someone that brings sunshine into your life?
Pick a few to answer below...and play along
HAPPY FRIDAY friends - have a greeeaaat weekend
Good morning ya’ll!! How is everyone this morning? Again, it has been awhile since I have blogged so I have lots of catching up to do.
Last weekend I was lucky enough to have Friday off and made it a 3-day weekend! Love those kind!!! Even better when I get to spend the day with my bestie and her kiddies!
We took a day trip over the border to Port Huron. Started off with lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and then did a little shopping.
I decided on something healthy and light… Boneless chicken wings with Asian Zing sauce and Salt and Vinegar Fries! That was a good choice eh?
Saturday I went to visit a friend in Hamilton. We went for lunch at a really nice Pier Restaurant/Bar down at the water, and did a little shopping after. Hmmm, is there a trend to what I like to do…. Eat, shop, repeat?
It was really nice and relaxing there, watching the boats and the sailboats go in and out of the bay.
After we did some shopping, we went down to the beach and walked along the path there, found an ice cream shop and since it had been awhile since we had any food, got a little treat.
Sunday, I was back home and it was time to work on the packing situation for moving day, which is quickly approaching! Only 1 more week!!!
It is amazing the things you come across while packing…
Can you believe I found all of these Lululemon bags???? There were even more that I found after this pic!
On another note….. I mentioned last week that my running schedule has been suffering over the past couple of months with all that is going on. I usually run 5-6 times a week and lately it has been 2-3 times… So anyways, it is STILL suffering but I was able to get out for a good 10 km (6.25 m) run on Monday night and Tuesday morning.
AND…. CRMichelle, sister M and myself also got out to the GoodLife club to try out the new Jillian Michaels class.
Mirror selfie in the change room at the gym! I loved the class!
Alright, hope everyone has a fabulous day!
How many times to do you run per week?
What is the most interesting thing you have come across while packing to move?