Friday, August 2, 2013


Posted by CheapRunnerMichelle

Wowzers…it’s already FRIDAY!!!...can I get a “Whoo Hoo?”

The week has just flown by….what am I talking about…like where did July even go?!?!?...not that I am complaining since August is the BEST month out there…right Leo’s ;)

I though we would switch things up today and do a little re-cap of my week…and call it

I got in a nice long (for me these days) solo run – that I actually felt great. No knee issues and I even survived having no one to talk to pass the time

Got in a “little” shopping action with Kennedy. The deals were amazballs!!!! I got $79 sweatshirts for like $5, and there is nothing like 3 generations diggin’ for the deal

I have been doing so much better these last 2 weeks with my eats, and I feel like it has made such a difference with my mood

Getting to spend some time as a family at Mike’s baseball game…he even got to play his brother’s team this week – and they beat them both games!!!!

Getting a letter in the mail this week from Jackson’s teacher for the Fall…he is so excited to start school in September. Man oh man where does the time go – he’s starting school and Kennedy is going into grade 5…and yet I don’t feel like I’m getting any older ;)

…and there you have it - my fav’s from this past week!


I think it’s pretty obvious that if you have a blog…you probably read about 3,964 other blog’s daily. When I see something “neat” in someone else’s post – I like to tuck it away to steal use at another time…and today is one of those days…so here we go – time for a little Q & A fun

What was your favorite TV show as a kid?

hhhmmm – I’d have to go with either the Muppets or Fragal Rock

What is your current favorite TV show?

I’m a reality TV junkie…but my most favourite of them…I’ll go with The Real Housewives of OC

Which reality show would you NEVER do?

Never say never....but surprisingly Survivor would NOT be at the top of my list. But for sure I would NEVER do Real World…too much drama for me

Which reality show would you LOVE to do?

Oh no question - The Amazing Race

(I actually know someone that is on Amazing Race Canada right now)

What is the TV personality/character that you feel is most like you?

This is a toughy...I’m really not sure…I like to think of myself as a unique individual

Which TV character would you want to date?

Since right now I’m not really watching anything other than reality tv shows…I’ll go with Bill Rancic (yes I know we are both happily married…this is not real people)


Well that’s all I got for today…for all our Canadian Friends

For all of our other friends – we’ll enjoy a cocktail or 2 for you this #notforyouholidayweekend

…and something really special is happening this weekend…the 3 cheaprunners will ALL be united tonight after almost 2 very long weeks apart…Happy weekend folks!

What’s one of your favorite things from this past week?

Anyone racing this weekend?

Who’s hitting the beach?



  1. Your week looks like it was way better than mine! Can't wait to be reunited!!!'

  2. Bill and family is here in Chicago with his restaurant pretty often! I walked by him about a month ago! I'll tell him you said hi! hah

    Favorite thing from past week... Not bonking on any run was pretty nice.

    I'll be having a bbq by the beach tomorrow for my tot's B-day party!

  3. Charlotte@CommitnessToFitnessAugust 2, 2013 at 11:07 AM

    nice job on the run! and i might be stealing this survey at some point as well :) and you're right- even though your kids get older, you don't age- or in my mother's case, every year since i turned 13 she has subtracted a year from her age... at this point i've been older than her for years :)

  4. Glad y'all will be reunited!!
    Amazing Race is my top choice of shows to be on, too!!!
    I'm hoping to have time to get out to the swim beach this weekend since I left the real beach far behind!!
    Enjoy your weekend!
