Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Long Weekend Festivities

Posted by CheapRunnerMichelle

And here we are…into September already…seriously…like where is 2014 going?!?!?

We had a great long weekend – spent with friends and family = the best way to spend your time.

Before all the weekend festivities began, I was able to get out for a great…but hot 6Km run on Saturday morning…thank goodness I got up when I did, otherwise, I’m not sure I would have gotten out in that heat/humidity that we had on Saturday


I don’t like running all the way back to the cottage to finish off my run, so I had planned my route so that I would be able to finish my 6km run on the beach and then be able to enjoy a nice 1.5Km cool down walk back, but yet still along the beach. Unlike last weekend my legs felt great and I was happy to get it in!

As far as the rest of my workouts for the weekend – I threw in a few other walks, and Mike and I have also been doing a 30 day squat challenge, and a 30 day push-up challenge – and we stuck with it, and made sure to get them both in before bed each night…not gonna lie…tonight is really going to suck…120 squats…argh….

As ya’ll know on Sunday we held our annual Lobsterfest at our cottage. There was LOTS of great food…well let’s be honest…there was more then I should have been eating…anyhoo…instead of blabbering on, here are a few pics of the festivities

Ready for the party to start


Who want's a bitch slap? (Annual Lobsterfest drink provided by the in-laws...if you want the recipe...let me know, you won't regret it)


T minus 8 months till this one can babysit...I think she's got babies lined up already Winking smile


Someone came prepared...with his own bib and all...and yes...all he ate for dinner was lobster tails


No better way to cap off the day


Happy Tuesday friends!

Tell me something you did this weekend

Anyone else’s kids start back to school today?

1 comment:

  1. Umm...yes!!! I want the recipe - any drink named bitch slap has to be good!!!
