Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Fav's

Posted by CheapRunnerMichelle

Hand's up...who's stoked about a looooong weekend?!? Just getting ready to head to work, and then I'm all packed and ready to head to the cottage...long weekend here I come!

Well friends - it's we all know what that means, it's time for


So let's get started shall we Open-mouthed smile

1. Although we haven't spoke to K all week (since she's at camp), I'm so happy for these experiences she is getting to have and grow this summer. The camp takes photo's and post's then online...and here's one from this week


2. Tried a new-to-me salad at Wendy's this week...and it earns Thumbs upThumbs was very delish...BBQ Chicken Salad


3. Fav workout of the week happened this morning...I got by butt out of bed and headed to a 6am spin I told Mike when I got home "my eyelashes were even sweating"


4. I've been working hard this week at getting my eats back under control, and I have been really enjoying all this fresh fruit of the season


5. And my most fav thing of the week...last night Mike and I found out that our offer was accepted, and we are officially


BEYOND excited to now own a piece of sand at the #happiestplaceonearth!!!!!!!

What are some of your fav's this week?

Any long weekend plans?


  1. Have a great long weekend!!! I'm excited to have Monday since we have events to work the rest of the weekend!!

  2. Have fun at the cottage! Wish I was closer so I could join you sometime.
    Ok, so what is a vacation club member?
    I have no plans this long weekend. I wish I could say I was running, but you know that's not happening.
    Yep, my eyelashes sweat when I spin too!!

  3. haha love that comic! Glad you all enjoyed!!
