It has been a busy week here in Cheap Runnerland…seems like the week has flown by, which is always a plus when you're about to go on vacation! Now I'm at the point where I'm looking at what needs to be done before heading to the cottage for a week and wondering when I'm going to be able to do it all…
The night we head home from the cottage we will be making a pit stop to drop off Kennedy at overnight camp…it will be her first time ever going to summer camp, let alone an overnight camp. That means getting her packed for 16 nights away!
I know she is going to have a blast, but it is a big step for her as she won't know anyone there…but that just means it's a great chance to meet new friends. We ended up sending her for the Teen Girls week, so she will be the youngest age group there. Looking forward to the family welcome BBQ and then kicking my little girl out for a week
Jackson won't be left out though, as he'll be going to day camp here in town that week. He's signed up to go to the YMCA's camp at Spencer Lodge, where they have all kinds of adventures to try out! They have an awesome climbing wall and high wires course…not sure if he can do it or not, but he informed that if he tried it he would probably die haha
What he is looking forward to the most though…frogs. He can't wait to go to the pond and find some amphibians! He is such a boy…
Thankfully it is only day camp for J, so I don't need to pack two kids for 16 nights.
I never had a chance to go to camp as a kid but Michelle was able to and she loved it…I'm hoping that this is a great experience for the kids, especially Kennedy. The camp she is going to is a Christian camp, so it will be a great chance for her to grow in her faith as well. If all goes well I can certainly see this being a yearly opportunity for her!
Do your kids go to Summer Camp?
Any tips for packing an 11-year old girl up for camp??
My boys haven't ever gone to camp - my oldest would hate it and I'm not sure about Hunter (who is very jealous about the wires course!!!). Enjoy your time at the cottage!!
ReplyDeleteThe wires course does look like fun...I'm jealous too!
ReplyDeleteoh fun! Hmm, just be sure to pack a lot of extra clothes? healthy snacks? Wait, I was just a weird kid that ate super healthy lol!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I'll pass that advice along to her
ReplyDeleteMy boy goes to camp every year and loves it! They make friends so quick. It doesn't matter what i pack bcos he never seems to change his clothes, a total boy! Maybe a book for the evening before going to sleep??