Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Favs

Posted by CheapRunnerMike

Here we are about to wrap up another week, so I've decided to share what I've been digging on this week.

1) Getting Back in the Swing of Things

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It's nice to be back into my running routine again…I've been out every day this week and I'm looking forward to a good long run this weekend.  The pace has been quick, maybe even a little quicker than before holidays.  Note the long sleeves, hat and tights in the pic above…yup, cold weather is here.  Leading to…

2) Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude


Once the cold weather hits us, it's time to start planning our winter vacation.  Just thinking about getting away is enough to warm me up some days!  This will be just what I need come February.

3) Alex Zanardi, You are an Ironman!

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I used to watch a lot of auto racing when I was younger (Indy cars and F1), so I am well aware of Alex Zanardi.  He was a champion driver who suffered a pretty horrific accident, causing him to lose his legs.  He also just took on the Ironman in Kona last month and it will be airing this weekend on NBC.  Can't wait to check it out!

4) Awesome new Clif Bars

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I was at the grocery store the other day and noticed a display with a couple of new seasonal Clif Bars…Pecan Pie and Spiced Pumpkin Pie.  I had the Pecan Pie yesterday with my lunch and it was amazing, can't wait to try the Pumpkin Pie today!

5) Disney Dreaming


Still digging the good vibes we picked up at Disney last week…can't wait until we're back there in January for the Marathon!

Have a great weekend folks!

Have you tried these new Clif Bar flavours?  Do you have a fav of your own?

Is it cold and snowy where you are yet?  How do you cope?


  1. It's way too cold here - we haven't even made it to the freezing mark since Monday - I don't cope well!!!
    Thanks for the info that the Ironman Kona will be on TV tomorrow - just set the DVR since I won't be able to watch it then!!

  2. What did we do before our DVR's??? Hope things start to warm up for you soon Kim!

  3. Kristi@BlogforanAverageRunnerNovember 15, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    Cold here in Ottawa but I love cold weather running. Did my last half marathon last weekend in 0 degrees and it was perfect. For me the cold is so much easier than the heat!

  4. dude! i love winter running - nothing like layering up and getting out there even when the cars can't make it out of the driveway. i'm actually excited about getting back into the base training period come december.

    pecan pie clif bars?!? man oh man i can't wait to give that a shot ...!

  5. Ya you got that right Kristi...the cooler temperatures aren't all bad. Good work getting that half in!

  6. Love...I don't know if that's the word. I really don't mind it either, it just takes me a few weeks to get back into it. These first few cold weeks can be tough because it isn't quite cold enough for me to wear a jacket and my body is still in summer wimp mode. I'm a winter warrior though...eventually :)

    Pecan Pie Clif bars...sooooo good! You need to try them mine at Superstore where they were on sale 4 for $5
