Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's Time

Posted by CheapRunnerMichelle

Happy hump day everyone!
Now that we are just past the middle of July...I have decided that it is time for me to set some "summer 2013" goals...a little late is better than never right?!? mmmkay. So in no particular order here we go:

(1) Consistently attend a min of 3 6am classes at the gym


  Even though it took every inch of will-power to not bail on the class this morning...I got my butt out of bed and dragged it to the the saying goes:


(2) Start reading some books. Yes I can read...but these days my reading consists solely of blogs and trashy magazines


These totally count as exercising/developing my brain reading material right?!?...ok maybe I need some book/author suggestions. Last week Mike and I watched the movie "Jack Reacher" based on a book series that he was actually a really good maybe that's a good series of books to start with. Surprisingly I really do enjoy reading...but these last couple of years - I seem to only "get into" reading when I am on maybe what I need to do is go on vacation....hhhmmmm I think I'm on to something ;)

(3) Speaking of a vacation...I am hoping by the end of the month to book/plan a family vaycay to "our" happiest place on earth


Ssshhh - don't tell the kids - it's a secret (good thing K doesn't think we are cool she doesn't read our blog). For the last 6 years we have taken a family trip to Disney every Fall. We have told the kids that we are not going this year (for various reasons)...and we are not going to tell them until we show up at the airport!!! Can't wait to see their excitement when we show up there and they realize where we are going!

(4) Sign up and complete my first duathlon...ok this one is going to have to be sooner than later


Last year Mike and I started doing triathlon's...and I loved them! Unfortunately this winter I did not spend anytime in the water - so I just don't feel prepared for the swim running and biking it is.  Although I am not officially signed up yet...this Bluewater one is this time to dust my bike off...check back on Monday for my recap on the event!

(5) Drink water. Yes you read that right...I did not say "drink more water" because that would imply that I already drink water. I really am not a fan of water...yes I know I NEED it, and I know all about the health benefits...but I'm still not a fan


This cup is certainly helping...and although I add "water flavour enhancers" to least I am drinking it (instead of the strict dt.coke only hydration I would choose on my own)....don't judge. My goal is to drink a min 2 FULL of these cups (venti SB size) everyday, before I can treat myself to my true love



What's one of your summer goals?

Any good read suggestions?

Anyone else like me...and not care for water?


  1. Sugar Coated SheridanJuly 17, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    I've been looking for a good new read myself so I really don't have any suggestions there and I MUST have water flavoring in my water...Can't stand it when it's just wet and no flavor :)

    One of my summer goals is to workout at least 5 days per week, which is hard when the heat index is about 100 degrees every day and I'm not a gym member. I am looking at signing up for a 3x/week kickboxing class though :)

  2. Kickboxing - that sounds like fun. I haven't tried that class...the closest I have gotten is with the P90X workouts

  3. I love to read - James Patterson, Fern Michaels, Nora Roberts.....all fiction but that's what I enjoy!
    Years ago I used to only drink Diet Coke and then one day I stopped - now I'm pretty much a water all day every day (plus my evening cocktails!!).

  4. Thanks for the suggestions!...I'm not ready to give up my addiction :)

  5. I found a duathlon so close to my house, for women only and its August 4th!! I have until Tuesday night to sign up!! After reading your post I think I might!!!
