Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Haunting 5K Recap

Posted by CheapRunnerMike

On Sunday all 3 of the CheapRunners took part in the Halloween Haunting Races at Springbank Park in London.  The girls both did the 10K while I took part in the 5K.  Kennedy also joined me for the 5K race and she did it all on her own!  Even Jackson got involved as he ran the 2K.


I have to be honest, I haven't really run a 5K since my very first race back in September of 2012.  I don't run the shorter distances very often and I wasn't really sure how to approach it after months and months of long distance training.  On top of that, we were all running in costumes as this was just a fun sort of race…so speed and PR's were not to be expected.

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Kennedy & I waiting to get started in the 5K

It was a really cold morning --right around freezing -- but the sun was shining.  The path was a little wet from the previous day's rain and I was leery of slipping on wet leaves…I warned Kennedy to be careful too.  Kennedy had decided to dress up as a swimmer and I was reincarnating Captain Thunderbolt after his run at Disney a few weeks ago (since my shirt is actually made from a technical running shirt).

The starting gun went off at 9:30 and I was off like a shot.  I normally ease into a run and I don't really get up to speed until closer to 10K, so I had decided that I was just going to be one of those idiots that sprints off the starting line.  I had never tried the balls-to-the-wall strategy before, so why not?  I had nothing to lose.

I bolted from the start line and felt like I was going quick, but there were still quite a few people around me for the first half mile…then the sprinters started falling off.  Not a surprise.  The surprise, however, was that I wasn't falling off.  The first mile went by at 5:46…my fastest mile.  Ever.


There was no way I could maintain that pace but I had found a guy going just about as fast right in front of me so I just settled in behind him to let him pace me for a bit.  We made our way through the dwindling crowd towards the turnaround at mile 2 and I counted the runners going the other way…I was sitting around 17th place.  We made the turn and my pacer struggled to get back up to speed.  I went to pass and and said that he had paced me well so now I would pace him.  He stayed with me for a bit but was struggling and fell off my pace.  I was coming up to the last hill and the finish line just beyond it.

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Sprinting to the Finish Line

I passed a few more runners along the way and only a guy in a pumpkin outfit ended up running quicker in a costume.  I crossed the line in 18:44, a 6:00/mile pace and a PR.  I ended up second in my age group and 14th overall (12th by chip time).  Pretty happy with that result!


Jackson (with Michelle in tow) finished up his 2K race right after I did, and the little guy ran his race in 11:46, a 9:25 mile pace!  Not bad for a 4 year old in a devil costume!

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Kennedy was still out on the course so I decided to run back to meet her and finish her 5K by her side.  She had about a mile to go and we ran together for a bit and I then I decided to give her a little push up the last hill…I pointed out a pair of runners up ahead and she set her sights and reeled them in.  Kennedy ended up sprinting to the finish and passed 4 people in the last 400 metres…she did a great job!  Another 5K in the books for Kennedy and once again she was able to run the entire time.  So proud of her…she even wants to run the London Lady's 5K this coming weekend.

I was excited to finally get a picture of myself on the podium after so many 4th place finishes, but age group awards only went to the winners :(  Ah well, guess I'll need to win next time.  I did manage to get a picture of Jackson with the winner of the best costume prize though…this kid's costume was amazing!  he even ran like a Minion.

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After that it was time to wait for Michelle and Rhoda to finish up their 10K race, which I'm sure you will hear all about the next couple days.  For now I'll just leave you with a picture of the two Minnie Mouses (Minnie Mice?) getting ready to run.

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What's your favourite distance to race?

What's the best Halloween costume you have ever seen?


  1. That is BATTLE TOADS AWESOME! I have never run in a 5k, My favorite distance is still half marathon, although I notice about a 7-8 mile race (i don't do KM well) is where I run the best at before I have to start mentally digging for a second wind.

    Great job on the 2nd in the AG!
    I've never done a 5k or 10k. I'll probably just do some training time trials over the next season. You are a baller!

  2. Great job on that 5K!!!
    I actually used to love 5Ks - run hard and fast and short - perfect!!!
    So cool that Kennedy passed people at the end. And little Jackson already has the makings of a great runner!

  3. Loves the costumes, ladies!

    Nice job Mike - you are on your way to the Olympic trails or something with that speed, bro!! ;-)

  4. Battle toads awesome sounds pretty awesome indeed! 8 miles is just under 13K...I like that distance too but haven't seen it as a race offering anywhere.

  5. Oh the kids had a great proud of them and glad they enjoy running with us.

  6. Um, so I'm not sure how old Kennedy is, but I envy her running skills... Kudos to her!

  7. Oh my Olympian window has closed Chelsea...I'm just happy to place in my NEW AG, nice to be the young 35 year old in the 35-39 instead of the old 34 yo in the 30-34 :)

  8. Ya she's a superstar at only 10 years old! I couldn't run 5K without stopping when I was in high school...

  9. I've only ever done a 10k and half marathon. I LOVED the half. I might sign up for one...we shall see. I'm in no rush!

    Great job on that 5K! Wowza!

  10. Sugar Coated SheridanOctober 28, 2013 at 9:45 PM

    Congratulations! I am not built to run a 6:00/mile...Even if I just ran a mile to see how fast I could do it, I think it's right at 8 so I 'm super jealous! Great job! And great job, Miss Kennedy :)

  11. Oh you should sign up! The Half is a great distance, I like it a lot. The girls did the Niagara Falls Women's Half in June and liked it so much they've already signed up for 2014...not too far from you!

  12. Thanks Beth...I was bustin it to go that fast and probably had another 20 feet or so left at that pace :)
    Kennedy is so awesome...we tried not to push running on her and now she just wants to do it all on her own!

  13. katie @ fromicecreamtomarathonOctober 29, 2013 at 8:33 AM

    WOW!! That is ridiculously fast!! You really should've won something with that speed! I have a 5k coming up on Saturday and you may have inspired me to just give it my all and try to get my sub 30. Like you said, I have nothing to lose!
    Congrats to your kiddos too! And that minion is so cute!!

  14. Thanks Katie...I was so hoping to win something too, ah well. I'm happy with my time and that was better than any of the prizes they were giving out.
    I never would have suggested it before, but going all-out from the start really did work for me. I was tiring at the end, but held on for the full 5K. Good luck at your race this weekend!

  15. So speedy!!!!! Congrats on an awesome race, love the costumes!

    I think my favorite distance to race is a tie between half and full marathon. It was half for a long time but I've really started loving the marathon more and more with each one I do.

  16. Sonia the MexigarianOctober 29, 2013 at 12:16 PM

    bahahaha. that Minion costume rocks! I haven't been to a costume race before but have seen random bananas on race courses. the costume races look like fun :) and that is some insane speed you've got there! congrats on the PR!
    I like the 10k distance and really enjoy the 1/2s. i'm beginning to enjoy the longer miles too. as long as there's good scenery :)

  17. I love the challenge of the marathon...that's what drives me to want to take another one on.

  18. Seriously, that Minion was maybe the best costume I've ever seen! The kid even ran like a Minion. The poor guy fell on his face right before ethe finish line and he couldn't get up...he was just laying on his belly kicking his feet and rolling around until his dad picked him up.
    I've never actually raced a 10K...will need to try one some day. the closest I've come to a 10K race is in triathlon, but it isn't quite the same after the swimming and biking.
    i love the long runs too! My favourite is running out in the countryside where it's quiet and peaceful...just me and the cows and the chickens :)
