
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I Ran in SHORTS!

When I last posted I was getting ready to go in and get fit for a new bike, and I'm happy to report that it was a successful trip to the bike shop…here's my new ride

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I went with the bike I was hoping to get, the Cervelo P2.  They had one 2013 model left in the store and it was a 54cm…which was probably going to be just a touch too big for me.  When I got there the owner of the store (also the certified bit fitter) had his doubts but we set up the Cervelo and lo and behold it was a near perfect fit without any adjustments.  A couple expert tweaks later and voila, a bike fit exactly to me!  I was pretty stoked because I really love this bike…I have eyed it for years…but never thought I would be able to get one.  The best part was that they were clearing it out and knocked $900 off the asking price!  Now if only the weather would cooperate so that I can get out to ride her :)

Speaking of weather cooperating, we had a bit of a thaw the last couple days.  Yesterday it was all the way up to 9°C at lunch time (48°F) so I had to take the opportunity to get out and run in my shorts.  The sidewalks on the way to the park were really wet and sloppy…lots of mud/slush/ice/water…but once I got to the park it was smooth sailing.  I wore a fleece-lined long sleeve and it was too much top…needed sleeves but should have gone with something lighter.  Who cares though, the sun was shining and the weather was great!  It was awesome to get out and run in my actual running shoes for a change instead of the trail shoes I've been wearing for every run for the last 3+ months.  Broke out the Mizuno Sayonara's and they were as great as I remembered.


Mother Nature is one bipolar bitch though, and today we are getting hit with a snowstorm (upwards of 6") and temperatures are dropping well below freezing again…I can't bring myself to run in this crap today after yesterday's great session, so I'll be heading to the pool to get my swim in.

In other developments at the CheapRunner household, Jackson lost his first tooth on the weekend.  Man is he growing up quickly!  He tucked his tooth under the pillow and got his special first tooth bonus and a letter from the Tooth Fairy herself, encouraging him to keep brushing his teeth and taking care of them for her.

image (6)

I registered for this weekend's MEC 10K race and if you will be in London this Saturday you can still sign up as well.  It's only $15, such a great deal.  Where else can you get a chip-timed race for that price?  Online registration ends today but you can still sign up in store through the weekend and even on race day (it goes up to $20 the day of the race).  I'll be sure to have a recap in my Monday post for all y'all!


Fri swim 1200m
Mon bike trainer 25.7K / swim 1200m
Tues run 13.5K

What's the going rate for the Tooth Fairy these days?
J got a 20 for his first tooth, but it goes down to $5 after this

Is Mother Nature bipolar in your parts too?


  1. Katy @ Naner-A-DayMarch 12, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    The new wheels are sick! Love the color!

  2. Yes, very bipolar here!! I left in flip-flops yesterday morning and by the time I got home at 9:00 pm it was just under 40 degrees and my toes were freezing!!! Today we are under freezing but it should warm back up to 40 something. Glad you had one nice run in shorts!!!
    I'm a little scared that the bike was $900 off - I had no idea bikes were so much!!!

  3. Thanks Katy! I totally picked the bike because of the makes it more aerodynamic for sure :)

  4. I saw you let your little piggies out yesterday...must have felt great!
    Trust me, bikes are expensive these days...I got a great deal (or I wouldn't have got one), but there are plenty of bikes at the races that are on the other side of $10,000. We even saw a bike made by Lamborghini last year!

  5. Amy @ fitnessmeetsfrosting.comMarch 12, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    I wish I knew more about bikes to appreciate yours (that's my boyfriend's department). But I do know knocking $900 off of anything is good ;) Lol do you watch Modern Family? All I think about when a little kid loses a tooth is Lily accidentally getting $100...Damn, when I was a kid I think I got $5 for the first tooth and $1 for every tooth after that. Damn inflation!

  6. Congrats on new wheels and getting out in shorts!! We are experiencing the same BS snowstorm today too. ridiculous.

    I think we usually got $5 from tooth fairy. But I remember one time I woke up and my tooth was still under my pillow (aka mom and dad forgot) and I sobbed and sobbed. Mom pretended to help me look and hid a $20 under my bed and said it must have fell and that the tooth fairy forgot to take my tooth because I was a light sleeper and was afraid of waking me up. Funny how we remember these things.

  7. She is cold-hearted the way she toys with us...

  8. That's too funny Amy...when we put Jackson to bed that night we asked him how much he thought the tooth fairy would leave him and he said "a hundred bucks!" I told Michelle that we should put a hundred dollar bill under his poillow just to piss off his older sister hahaha...we are terrible parents :)

  9. It was amazing to get out there in shorts, but you know that having done it a few weeks ago.
    Nothing like guilt to score a few extra bucks, eh?

  10. Nice wheels! Have fun at the 10k this wknd!!

  11. Heidi @ www.idlehide.comMarch 12, 2014 at 7:46 PM

    Oh is she ever bi-polar! I'm loving her lately though lol! NB is supposed to get 35cm of snow tonight/tomorrow and we're getting rain so hopefully it gets rid of all the snow. Nice wheels!

  12. Ya let's hope the rain washes that snow away!

  13. katie @ fromicecreamtomarathonMarch 13, 2014 at 12:19 PM

    Very nice bike! Our weather is the same way. In the 70's on Monday, 30's and snowing on Tuesday. I'm sick of it!
    Jackson is SO adorable!! Have a great race!

  14. So sick of it. We got hammered with snow yesterday and it is brutally cold here today. It was -15°C (3°F) when I went out this morning.

  15. Amy @ fitnessmeetsfrosting.comMarch 13, 2014 at 1:26 PM

    Pahaha!!! Nope, sounds like something my dad would want to do ;)

  16. Dude, your new ride is schweet!! I can already tell there are good times to be had with your new "chick." Also thank you for translating temps + distances for your US friends. I would honestly have no clue what they mean if you didn't. PS J is way too handsome and please send the tooth fairy my way, her rates have gone way up since I was a kid. I can tell she keeps an eye on the economy. ;)

  17. Oh ya I think it looks schweet...I just hope Michelle doesn't get jealous of her and take our relationship the wrong way :)
    I'm pretty used to going metric or imperial but I know you Americans just don't get metric (which is WAAAAAAY easier by the way), so I help out where I can.
