Thursday, October 31, 2013

Boo to You!

Posted by CheapRunnerMike

Happy Halloween everybody!  Hopefully the little ghosts and ghouls don't scare you to much and you can just shoo them away with mini-sized chocolate bars.  Or letters telling them they are obese and shouldn't eat candy.  I would have seriously lost it on this lady.

Here at the CheapRunner household we all went as a family to the church last night…the kids always go to kid's club Wednesday nights (meaning Michelle and I get a little date night), but last night was a family Halloween night.  There were games for everyone to take part in and everyone was encouraged to dress up.  In her post yesterday Michelle teased about our costume…we went as a family of crayons.  Jackson was red, Kennedy was purple, Michelle was pink and I was the box.

photo 3

We didn't win the prize for best costume but we did get an honourable mention.  Some of the costumes people had were really good, and our favourite was the Wizard of Oz family…Dorothy, Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion and the Tin Man.  They were great!  The kids got to play all kinds of games, win candy and of course come home with a bag full of more candy…

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It's shaping up to be a wet day here, so I'm not really looking forward to taking the kids out trick or treating…I doubt the rain will phase them though -- onward to candy!

In running news, if you are looking to run a spooky trail race tonight and are in the Louisville area, check out 6.66 Miles of Pure Screaming Hell.  It's a nighttime trail race that takes you past the Waverly Sanatorium, which is said to be one of the most haunted places in the world.  I've seen it on some TV shows before and it is creepy…I think the threat of running with ghosts might be enough to get me to PR!

I'm also looking for some news today about whether or not I get to serve as a pacer this weekend at the London Lady's Half Marathon.  Rhoda has signed up for the Half while Michelle and Kennedy are both doing the 5K…it is a women's only race, but they were looking for volunteers so I offered to be a pace bunny.  Supposed to hear back today if they need me, and I'm hoping they do because I would really like to be able to help out at a race.  I've done enough races now that I feel it's time for me to volunteer and help others.

While we have been going through a bit of a cold spell the last week or so with temperatures hovering around freezing, yesterday was one of those beautiful Fall days that remind you why you love Fall…low 60's and sunny, just perfect.  I got out for my run at lunch and got into Forrest Gump mode…I didn't want to stop!

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By the time I was done I had logged almost 10 miles and felt awesome…the afternoon just flew by on my runner's high.  Does anyone else think I looked like a soccer ref though?

Finally, a reminder that tomorrow is November 1, meaning it will be the first day of #Runvember, our #thirtyin30 challenge that we are hosting with this cool cat.  Post your runs on IG or Twitter and use these hashtags to share with everyone.  The goal is to get 30 miles on the books during the month, a great way to keep us motivated while the weather isn't quite as "motivating".


Are you going to join us for #thirtyin30 this #Runvember?

Have you ever volunteered at a race?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Big Thank-you and a Luxe Box

Posted by CheapRunnerMichelle

Good morning friends! I just to say a HUGE thank-you to ya'll after my last post.  I really appreciate all of your comments, emails, texts and Facebook messages - you really know how to make someone feel better after having a bummy week; soooo


So after my last post I figured we better talk about unicorns and rainbows today


No?!? Ok - well moving along then.

One of my goals this week was to be good with my eats and increase my workouts - and I am happy to report everything is on track to meet my goals this week. I finally convinced Mike to join me for a BodyPump class on Monday night, yesterday I took J swimming during the day, after we picked Mike up from work - we went on a 3km family run and Mike and I wrapped up the night with the super fun P90X Ab Ripper.


Then this morning I met Rhoda at the gym for 6am body and fingers hurt just typing this post.'s nice to feel the pain again :)
My Luxe Box arrived the other night...and the smell as soon as I opened it was soooo delicious! I haven't had a chance to try any of the products out yet...but I gotta say, this had probably been one of the better boxes that I have received...check it out for yourself:


Lastly is just wanted to leave you with a couple of posts that I have really enjoyed this week

Day with KT -   The Ebb and Flow of Friendships

Runner Girl Eats - Sometimes Quitters do Prosper

What's a post that you have enjoyed this week - that I need to go check out?

We are dressing up as a family tonight for a Halloween party at church...any guess what we are dressing as???

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

CRR’s Halloween Haunting 10 km Recap

Posted by Anonymous

Good morning all! How is everyone this morning?

In continuation from CRMike’s 5 k recap yesterday, I would like to share my 10K experience.

The 10K didn’t start until 10:30 Sunday morning but I needed to get there early to get my race bib and I wanted to be there to see Mike and Kennedy start the 5K and to see Jackson start the 2K.


I arrived around 9 am. I had dressed in layers knowing that it was going to be cold so I wanted to stay warm before and then wanted to be able to shed some layers for the race. I was NOT dressed warm enough and I was frozen.


The 5K started and Mike and Kennedy were off, then a few minutes later, the 2K started and Jackson was off. I walked around for a bit to stay warm. Checked out the refreshment area. I was really excited to see all the fruit and that they had Diet Coke.


Then I found a spot by the finish line to wait for them all to come in. I was able to really look at a lot of the costumes. My favorite was the minion that you saw yesterday.


My 2nd favorite was Bert and Ernie.


It was so great to see everyone really get into the spirit of the event!

Once they were all in, it was time to get lined up for the 10K start.


So, freezing cold Michelle and I made our way to where we needed to be. Michelle asked me what my goal was and I said “I’ll see how my legs feel”. I have been struggling for a few months now with really tight hamstrings so have not been pushing myself unless they feel good. When the race started, I got off to a speedy start. I was feeling okay, so I decided to stay with it. For the 1st 2K, my pace was 4:32/km, I knew that was too fast for me so I tried to slow down a bit. By 5K, I was going a 4:38/km pace and was started to feel the speed in my legs. By 6K, I had slowed down to a 4:48/km pace and decided to try to keep it at that. My last 10 km race, I finished in just under 49 minutes, so at this point, I decided, I would be happy to finish in under 48 minutes. As, I came around the corner to see the finish line, I could see the clock and could see it was getting close to 48 minutes, so tried to pick up my pace but really couldn’t much.


I ended up finishing in 47:59 with a pace of 4:48/km, and placed 2nd in my AG! I was happy with that.

I made my way over the refreshments but was disappointed to see they were out of Diet Coke :( I grabbed some water and made my way to find the crew.

It was a great morning and it was really exciting that we all got to participate!

Later at home, I snuggled in a blanket in front of the fireplace with a nice glass of tea, trying to get warm again!


I hope everyone has a great day!

Anyone dressing up for a Halloween event this week?

What are you dressing up as?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Haunting 5K Recap

Posted by CheapRunnerMike

On Sunday all 3 of the CheapRunners took part in the Halloween Haunting Races at Springbank Park in London.  The girls both did the 10K while I took part in the 5K.  Kennedy also joined me for the 5K race and she did it all on her own!  Even Jackson got involved as he ran the 2K.


I have to be honest, I haven't really run a 5K since my very first race back in September of 2012.  I don't run the shorter distances very often and I wasn't really sure how to approach it after months and months of long distance training.  On top of that, we were all running in costumes as this was just a fun sort of race…so speed and PR's were not to be expected.

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Kennedy & I waiting to get started in the 5K

It was a really cold morning --right around freezing -- but the sun was shining.  The path was a little wet from the previous day's rain and I was leery of slipping on wet leaves…I warned Kennedy to be careful too.  Kennedy had decided to dress up as a swimmer and I was reincarnating Captain Thunderbolt after his run at Disney a few weeks ago (since my shirt is actually made from a technical running shirt).

The starting gun went off at 9:30 and I was off like a shot.  I normally ease into a run and I don't really get up to speed until closer to 10K, so I had decided that I was just going to be one of those idiots that sprints off the starting line.  I had never tried the balls-to-the-wall strategy before, so why not?  I had nothing to lose.

I bolted from the start line and felt like I was going quick, but there were still quite a few people around me for the first half mile…then the sprinters started falling off.  Not a surprise.  The surprise, however, was that I wasn't falling off.  The first mile went by at 5:46…my fastest mile.  Ever.


There was no way I could maintain that pace but I had found a guy going just about as fast right in front of me so I just settled in behind him to let him pace me for a bit.  We made our way through the dwindling crowd towards the turnaround at mile 2 and I counted the runners going the other way…I was sitting around 17th place.  We made the turn and my pacer struggled to get back up to speed.  I went to pass and and said that he had paced me well so now I would pace him.  He stayed with me for a bit but was struggling and fell off my pace.  I was coming up to the last hill and the finish line just beyond it.

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Sprinting to the Finish Line

I passed a few more runners along the way and only a guy in a pumpkin outfit ended up running quicker in a costume.  I crossed the line in 18:44, a 6:00/mile pace and a PR.  I ended up second in my age group and 14th overall (12th by chip time).  Pretty happy with that result!


Jackson (with Michelle in tow) finished up his 2K race right after I did, and the little guy ran his race in 11:46, a 9:25 mile pace!  Not bad for a 4 year old in a devil costume!

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Kennedy was still out on the course so I decided to run back to meet her and finish her 5K by her side.  She had about a mile to go and we ran together for a bit and I then I decided to give her a little push up the last hill…I pointed out a pair of runners up ahead and she set her sights and reeled them in.  Kennedy ended up sprinting to the finish and passed 4 people in the last 400 metres…she did a great job!  Another 5K in the books for Kennedy and once again she was able to run the entire time.  So proud of her…she even wants to run the London Lady's 5K this coming weekend.

I was excited to finally get a picture of myself on the podium after so many 4th place finishes, but age group awards only went to the winners :(  Ah well, guess I'll need to win next time.  I did manage to get a picture of Jackson with the winner of the best costume prize though…this kid's costume was amazing!  he even ran like a Minion.

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After that it was time to wait for Michelle and Rhoda to finish up their 10K race, which I'm sure you will hear all about the next couple days.  For now I'll just leave you with a picture of the two Minnie Mouses (Minnie Mice?) getting ready to run.

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What's your favourite distance to race?

What's the best Halloween costume you have ever seen?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

3 Cheap Runners' Weekend Wrap

Posted by CheapRunnerMike

While the 3 Cheap Runners enjoy their day off, here are a few of the happenings that caught their eyes during the past week...


Links we Liked

  • So you can run a marathon, great...but can you knit a scarf while doing it?
  • If you must rip your child's scrotum off, go to a hospital. Don't use super-glue.
  • Pay attention to your body's signs you need to rest
  • Break out of your food prison
  • With Halloween coming up this week, this video shares the official rules of candy trading.


This Week's CheapRunners' Posts


In case you missed a day...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Snapshot Saturday

Posted by CheapRunnerMike
Enjoy some photos snapped by the 3CheapRunners this week as seen on Instagram.

Follow MichelleInstagram Follow RhodaInstagramFollow MikeInstagram




Friday, October 25, 2013


Posted by CheapRunnerMichelle

Happy Friday friends!

Let me prelude this post today in letting you know I am not looking for your sympathy or pity...instead please just take it as me sharing honestly with you what has been going on, on the inside this week


I am typically 99% of the time a very logical, realistic and optimistic let's consider this as the 1%. I don't know why or what have brought on these feelings this week, but I have been feeling...


And this has been an overall general feeling in my life this week. Feeling like I am not good enough at my job, like whatever I do/try/suggest is never good enough. Feeling like these days I am never heard, and thus insignificant. Feeling like I am not motivated to try or do better because what does it matter?!?


Feeling not good enough in my own body. This clearly encompasses many areas in my life - not eating healthy enough, not exercising enough, not practicing self control and discipline. Not being fit enough, strong enough, fast enough. And I'm not going to lie - it's not easy having someone in my life that this just seems to come so naturally and easily for them. Although I know I should find great motivation in that, most of the time I don't - I actually find that it makes everything harder, and much easier to just put myself down...and run those thoughts through my head


Feelings of not being a good enough mother. Feeling the guilt that I choose to work and have a career outside the home. Feelings that I am not encouraging or uplifting my children enough. Feelings that sometimes with the words I use I am instead tearing my children down. Feelings of not being a good enough daughter myself, of not being able to "fix" things or even have a clue what to do. Do I spend enough time with my widowed mother? Do I call enough? Do I show I care enough?


Having all the above thoughts swirling around makes me sometimes wonder am I a good enough partner. I know it's my fault for all these years not being much of a "girl" when it comes to many things in my life, but that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't need to hear why I am special without having to ask. Am I doing enough to make him feel loved and respected? Do I do enough around the house?


Ok pity party over - I am now choosing to make my thoughts the other 99%


Hope you all have a fabulous weekend friends!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

First Race and Catching the Bug

Posted by Anonymous

Howdy friends!!

This weekend there is a local race called the Halloween Haunting that all 3CheapRunners will be running.

This the first race I participated in, back in 2011. I had signed up for it in the Spring and made that my goal to get by butt in gear to run. My goal was to finish in under an hour and I finished in 51 min, 55 seconds.


At the time, none of my friends (a.k.a. Mike and Michelle) were runners so I went to the race by myself. I am so glad they have taken up running, it is so much more fun to go to races with people. There is a 2km, 5km and a 10km distance to choose from. I chose the 10km at that time, and that is what I will run again this year. This is a race where people dress up, hence the “Halloween” in the name of the race. I did not dress up when I ran it 2 years ago. I didn’t know then that people got into the “dress up” theme so much, but I do know now and will not let that race faux pas happen again! I showed up, looking at others strangely, but in the end, I was the one that looked strange. Needless to say, this is the race that gave me the bug to do more and keep running!! This is all I will say about that, as I am sure you will hear enough about it next week with different recaps.

This week has really taken a turn towards the cold weather here and I am NOT liking it! There is even snow in the forecast!!


I do enjoy running in the cooler temps but that is about it! I guess its time to turn on the Fireplace and bring out the comfort food!


Hopefully, I find more friends to share all that food with!

Have a great day everyone!

What is the 1st race you ever participated in?

Do you have a Fireplace?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Me, the Kids, and the Pumpkin Patch

Posted by CheapRunnerMike

While we were in Chicago I told Jackson that we could go to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins to carve.  We live in a subdivision that is about 15 years old and prior to our neighbourhood being there it was basically farmland.  One of the original farms still remains and they will sell seasonal produce throughout the spring, summer and fall and of course they have pumpkins right now.  I knew that the grocery store had pumpkins on for 88 cents, but I was willing to pay a little bit more for the ultra-local and more than anything for the experience the kids would have.

Saturday came and Jackson was ready to go as soon as he got up…me not so much.  I finally had a day to just chill and I took advantage by enjoying my morning coffee and got caught up on some blogs I had fallen behind on.  By 10:30 it was time to get going though, we didn't want to miss out on our pumpkins!


It was cool and rainy, but the pumpkin patch was hopping with activity.  Lots of people must have had the same idea we did and were set for afternoons filled with pumpkinesque activities.  The Pumpkins were all separated into piles based on the size (read:  price)…I quickly shuttled the kids past the big ones to the adequately sized $3 pile.  We would find our pumpkins here :)

Upon careful inspection we found three ideal candidates and loaded up the wagon to put our pumpkins in the truck.


After we took the wagon back we decided to take a quick look around the farm…there we found a 1451 lb pumpkin that we knew we had to get our picture taken with.


Then it was off to Starbucks for a coffee and a couple of pumpkin cookies for the kids before heading home to turn our pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns.  I lobotomized the pumpkins and the kids set about scooping out the guts -- or as Jackson called it "pumpkin brains".


The kids aren't quite at the point where I will let them wield knives, so they came up with ideas and drew them on paper for me to carve out.  Here's Jackson's masterpiece, his Angry Pig (I think it's from Angry Birds)


And Kennedy just loves The Nightmare Before Christmas so she wanted to do Zero the dog…


The last jack-o-lantern was mine, so I kept with Kennedy's Nightmare theme and carved Jack the Pumpkin King.  Here's the finished product all lit up…


We also made use of the pumpkin seeds we collected and made ourselves a nice little snack…just toss these bad boys in a little bit of olive oil with some seasoning salt and cayenne pepper, throw in the oven and deliciousness ensues.


All in all it was a fun day with the kids that hopefully built some lasting memories for them.  After all, it did cost me $9!

My boots picked up a souvenir at the farm as well which created a bit of a smell when I grabbed them to wear to church the next day…Michelle and I kept looking for who the smelly guy was but couldn't find him.  Then later that afternoon it really smelled in the Jeep (not quite the new car smell you hope for).  I checked my boots and sure enough…

I was able to get out for a good 10 mile run on Sunday after church…the weather has really taken a cold turn here this past week.  We are waking up to temperatures right around freezing in the mornings and it isn't getting much warmer from there.  I've had to get out the the running tights for my last few runs.  At least my butt looks great legs are cozy :)


I'm using the hashtag #furtherfasterforever on my instagram run pics now…you can sign up on their website too.  It is a community of athletes who encourage, inspire and challenge one another by posting their workouts and accomplishments online.  So sign up and join me on instagram with #furtherfasterforever…share your victories!

What is your favourite pumpkin-related activity?


Are you on instagram?  Share your IG name in the comments!
I'm @mikecooke78